Monday, January 31, 2011

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Goodbye Central Falls

Central Falls, Rhode Island. Bankrupt. One square mile. Unsustainable. Mark Pfeiffer, the state-appointed receiver has recommended that the best possible fix for Central Falls is for it to go away and merge with Pawtucket. I say yes.

Now the question is, should it merge with Pawtucket or the other surrounding towns Lincoln and/or Cumberland?

To help answer that question I decided to make a map in favor of merging with Pawtucket. With nearly 1/2 of the border of Central Falls being a river and the road infrastructure that's already in place Pawtucket is the most obvious choice. Imagining no City boundary you really can't even distinguish between Pawtucket and Central Falls. Most of the border is arbitrary and the southern border cuts through buildings and properties.

It's time to let go Rhode Island. Your small enough as it is, without a critical mass to sustain yourself. How do you think a one square mile city can sustain itself?

Oh yeah the failing school system in Central Falls wouldn't have to be funded by the state anymore. I bet the residents in the rest of the state aren't very pleased that their taxes go to your mess.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Remastered ZZ Top

the album is the ten song best of compilation released in the 70's.

i've loved this album for years but the cd i owned never sounded the way i wanted it to.

i decided to give it some oomph and i find it much more enjoyable to listen to now.

let me know if you feel the same.

play it loud.

email me if you want the wav files cuz those sound the best.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

why is there so much dog shit in federal hill? i walk my dogs around vinton and broadway and i'm always trying not to step in shit. every once in a while i'll see these massive piles of doo and i actually witnessed the dog that did it... probly like 50 pounds i swear (the dog not the shit). the guy walking the dog just let it shit right on the sidewalk and just walked away when it was done, leaving the massive pile of shit right there to cook in the hot sun. i yelled out the window "pick that shit up!" but the guy just looked around like a poof and kept walking.

i wonder if "curb your dog" signs posted around here would help. they have them on the east side. i never had to dodge piles of shit when i lived there.

looks like that dangling poop...

...sways in the wind

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

The Line In The Road

Providence needs lines in the road. How can a city that is so heavily dependent on car commuters actually think it can thrive or sustain without a simple lane delineation? You drive down the street and it's a free for all. People weave all around without looking. Geesh.

Looks like it's that driver in front of me that sways in the wind.

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Ford makes something "useful"

Boy, am I happy that the new Ford vehicles can park themselves. Most people on the road don't know how to drive forward never mind parallel park. Thanks to Ford people will know how to control a car even less.

I’m so glad they’ve spent their hard earned money on the type of R&D that renders its customers ignorant. Well an ignorant customer is the best customer right?

It doesn’t make me feel better knowing that if Ford ends out needing a tax dollar bailout that they are going to spend that money researching useless shit like a self parking car and not an alternate fuel engine.

Let them go bankrupt. The United States will be better off without these companies. Smarter companies will come in and fill the void. Smarter companies make smarter products, which smarter customers buy making a smarter population.

I’d really like to know why Ford thinks people are going to spend the money on a feature like that.

Ford is pioneering, and the new car buyer…

…sways in the wind.