Tuesday, October 27, 2009

why is there so much dog shit in federal hill? i walk my dogs around vinton and broadway and i'm always trying not to step in shit. every once in a while i'll see these massive piles of doo and i actually witnessed the dog that did it... probly like 50 pounds i swear (the dog not the shit). the guy walking the dog just let it shit right on the sidewalk and just walked away when it was done, leaving the massive pile of shit right there to cook in the hot sun. i yelled out the window "pick that shit up!" but the guy just looked around like a poof and kept walking.

i wonder if "curb your dog" signs posted around here would help. they have them on the east side. i never had to dodge piles of shit when i lived there.

looks like that dangling poop...

...sways in the wind

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

The Line In The Road

Providence needs lines in the road. How can a city that is so heavily dependent on car commuters actually think it can thrive or sustain without a simple lane delineation? You drive down the street and it's a free for all. People weave all around without looking. Geesh.

Looks like it's that driver in front of me that sways in the wind.